Tiny Home Industry News

Tiny Home Industry News2024-04-18T14:54:37+00:00

What Are 3 Positive Features Of A Tiny House?

By |April 1st, 2021|

Tiny homes may be small, but they continue to be a big trend. The minimalistic aesthetics and functionality is attracting more and more people. The lower initial cost is not the only reason why so many people are drawn to the tiny house hype. It offers many benefits that contribute positively to your lifestyle,

What Type of Tiny Home Community is Right for You?

By |March 1st, 2021|

Tiny houses have recently emerged as a significant trend in the US. A growing number of individuals are settling for tiny homes rather than conventional homes of larger dimensions. These residential units are affordable and offer a great deal of convenience. Now, a lifestyle in a little house does differ from that in a

Tips for Building Tiny Homes on a Budget

By |February 1st, 2021|

Are you considering building a tiny house for yourself or your family? This is a great way to simplify living and use space optimally while saving money. While it may seem like tiny homes are straightforward to build, proper planning and using high-grade materials are crucial if you want a resilient and durable structure

How Do You Prepare to Live in a Tiny House?

By |January 1st, 2021|

Have you, too, been thinking of a tiny living transition? According to a more recent NAHB national poll, 53% of adults have shown different interest levels in moving to tiny homes of area less than 600 square feet. The tiny house movement has been growing rapidly, and it has become quite big recently. There

How Do You Downsize For Tiny Living?

By |December 1st, 2020|

So you have decided to live in a tiny house and become a part of the tiny house revolution. While it may seem to be an exciting thing to do, it would mean downsizing and get rid of many things. It will require much more than just your annual de-cluttering. When you transition from

4 Tips to Choosing the Perfect Tiny Home

By |November 1st, 2020|

More and more people prefer owning a tiny home now than in recent history. Tiny home living, as a trend, has become so popular that it is no longer limited to DIY enthusiasts. Many tiny home builders have also gotten into the business. There is greater regulation, which means you can find standard and